50° × 3.38” × 40°
Conversion: 3.38" = 3-3/8"
Coverstock: 500/1000/3000 Sanded
Factory: 500/1000/1500 Polished
Pin Out: "
Mass Bias Shift of (CG):
Perfect Scale: 225.5
Breakpoint Shape: Clean/Angular
Personal Ball Reaction:
Games on Ball:

Beyond Infinity is beyond unique in appearance and performance. Purple, ice, and mint blended with the ultra-transparent HK22 base look incredible but even better when making a sharp turn toward the pocket. The Beyond Infinity uses the Infinity core, and bowlers love it for its mid-range asymmetry and higher RG and Differential. The core attributes and HK22 A.X.H. Pearl cover make for a clean and angular motion unlike anything else in the Brunswick line. This is one of the most angular motions in the Brunswick line, do not miss out on this one.
HK22 - A.X.H. Pearl Coverstock
Infinity Core