This Paradox is the fifth iteration of the Paradox line, thus Paradox V (5). We wanted to take the strongest pearl coverstock we currently have and wrap it around our most popular core to complement the Paradox Black on medium to heavy oil conditions.
Prime Pearl Coverstock
Track’s new Prime coverstock advances the technology started in the original Paradox with the QR series. This new technology creates a more consistent and uniform grip on the lane compared to its predecessor. The Prime cover has already proven itself a winner as it was first used in a hybrid version on the Alias. This new Pearl version allows the Paradox V to push further down the lane compared to the Alias and give bowlers a stronger change of direction at the breakpoint.
I-Core 2.0 Core
I-Core is a dual density design which features a dense inner ring that allows for a greater range of mass properties compared to single density designs.
The birth of the i-Core brought Track back to the forefront of the industry in revolutionary core design. The i-Core 2.0 was a tweak in design to increase the overall flare potential by almost 20%. This larger flare potential is one of the main components in the Paradox’s ability to create such unique ball motion.