To complement the original Timeless™, we developed a new R2S™ Nano Hybrid shell which adds traction to better handle more oil, both in the heads and at the end of the pattern. In testing, we saw an increased midlane of more than 5%, meaning that it gave us predictability in the part of the lane that matters the most! And, due to the unique dynamics and characteristics of the Dual-Drive weight block, we did not sacrifice entry angle while doing so. It actually created more entry angle, a key to striking even on off-pocket hits.
R2S Nano Hybrid Coverstock
R2S Nano bridges the gap between two of Storm's primary coverstocks: R2S and NRG reactive materials. It actually created more entry angle, a key to striking even on off-pocket hits.
Dual-Drive Core
The inception of the Dual-Drive was born of a sprawling development process that has spanned years. This could not be achieved without placing a weight block of specific size and shape inside of another weight block. The outer weight block incorporates strategically placed geometric shapes that, in conjunction with the inner weight block, establishes a new standard in bowling ball motion – faster revving action with a higher level of energy transfer at the pins.