Keeping with the tradition of excellence, STORM has incorporated Power Ball Technology into the highly successful Thunder weight block and a new CADMIUM coverstock to brin to you two new additions of the highly successful Eraser line.
A new porous Chrome CADMIUM™ coverstock gives a Boost™ when encountering heavier oil conditions. Though factory polished, the Boost™ provides outstanding grip in oil. The CADMIUM™ coverstock is easily adjusted if additional surface is needed on heavier oil patterns. Both the BOOST and BLAZE feature a new particle that is not rubber based like our other particle balls. The Boost also has Fleck in the surface to provide additional grip. A former Storm ball that had this in the coverstock was the El Nino Gold.
Cadmium Solid Coverstock
PBT B Core
Modified Thunder core w/ Power Ball Technology
16 pounds
15 pounds
14 pounds
13 pounds
12 pounds
Similar Balls
Ball | Brand | Comparison Grade | Coverstock | Factory Finish | Core | RG | Diff | MB Diff | US/Overseas Release | Discontinued | |
Eraser Boost | Cadmium SolidSolid Reactive | 800 Matte | PBT BSymmetric | 2.570 | 0.041 | ||||||
Razor Wire | A | PRO-Glide SolidSolid Reactive | 800 Matte | Modified 2-Piece ThunderAsymmetric | 2.560 | 0.044 | |||||
Barbed Wire | A- | PRO-Glide SolidSolid Reactive | 1500 Polished | Modified 2-Piece ThunderAsymmetric | 2.560 | 0.044 | |||||
Riot | A- | Ultimate Vision SolidSolid Reactive | 2000 Abralon | PhotonSymmetric | 2.580 | 0.040 | |||||
Thunder Road | B+ | Curelyon SolidSolid Reactive | 1000 Matte | Inverted Fe2Symmetric | 2.570 | 0.046 | |||||
Hot Rod Super Sport | B+ | Reactor SolidSolid Reactive | 800 Matte | Modified ThunderSymmetric | 2.560 | 0.036 | |||||
Hot Wire | B+ | ACCU-Tread SolidSolid Reactive | 1000 Matte | Modified Inverted 2-pieceSymmetric | 2.560 | 0.033 | |||||
ThunderStruck | B | Reactor SolidSolid Reactive | 1500 Polished | FE2 (Thunder)Symmetric | 2.570 | 0.047 | |||||
Swagger Bomb | B | USY 2 SolidSolid Reactive | 3000 Sanded | Crank3rSymmetric | 2.572 | 0.045 | |||||
Retro Roto Red | B | Super Sure GripSolid Reactive | 400 Wet Sand | Modified Rotary 2-PieceSymmetric | 2.576 | 0.052 | |||||
Hole Pounder Solid | B | Control Hook SolidSolid Reactive | 600 Matte | Hole PounderSymmetric | 2.540 | 0.040 | |||||
Hole Finder Solid | B | Isogonic Hook SolidSolid Reactive | 600 Matte | Hole FinderSymmetric | 2.580 | 0.048 | |||||
Burgundy Hammer | B | React-a-ThaneSolid Reactive | 500/500 Abralon | Modified VibeSymmetric | 2.570 | 0.032 | |||||
Tropical Surge Purple/Navy Solid | B | Reactor SolidSolid Reactive | 2000 Abralon | SurgeSymmetric | 2.580 | 0.024 | |||||
QZ2 Backdraft | B | MOTIVator-ZSolid Reactive | 2000 Wet Sand, Power Gel Polish | QuadfireSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.043 | |||||
QZ1 Red | B | MOTIVator-ZSolid Reactive | 2000 Wet Sand, Power Gel Polish | QuadfireSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.043 | |||||
QZ1 Purple | B | MOTIVator-ZSolid Reactive | 1000 Wet Sand, Power Gel Polish | QuadfireSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.043 | |||||
X-Calibur X-treme | B | X-Calibur X-TremeSolid Reactive | Matte | X-CaliburSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.040 | |||||
X-Calibur Raspberry | B | X-Calibur RaspberrySolid Reactive | Matte | X-CaliburSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.040 | |||||
BVP Wizard | B | PowrKoil 18 SolidSolid Reactive | 800 Wet Sand | BVP Medium RGSymmetric | 2.549 | 0.044 | |||||
Blue Vibe (2006) | B | CT SolidSolid Reactive | Polished | Vibe (2005-2019)Symmetric | 2.510 | 0.042 | |||||
Thrash | B | Z-MaxSolid Reactive | 1000 Wet Sand | QuadfireSymmetric | 2.550 | 0.043 | |||||
Backlash Blue/Silver | B | Max-Control SolidSolid Reactive | Powerhouse Factory Finish | SaucerSymmetric | 2.560 | 0.031 | |||||
Spirit | B | SpiritSolid Reactive | Polished | SpiritSymmetric | 2.590 | 0.030 | |||||
Diablo | B | Reactor SolidSolid Reactive | 800 Matte | Twin-VSymmetric | 2.540 | 0.055 |