
Turbo Grips Quad2 Clear
Accessory Type
Finger Inserts
Interchangeable Soles
Interchangeable Heels
Left/Right Interchangeable

Available in: 19 sizes, 2 colors,  Standard 31/32” diameter for sizes 19/31 – 13/16, 1 1/32” diameter for sizes 53/64 – 29/32.

Side 1:
Power Nub – Lined with rows of small, raised bumps, the Power Nub has a very sharp feel and is not for the faint of grip! This style is recommended for a strong grip.

Side 2:
Semi-Super Bump or Relaxed Finger Tip – has a smooth, rounded bump close to the front edge. When properly fit, the bump rests under the first knuckle of the finger. It is designed for a more relaxed grip and ideal for bowlers who suffer from arthritis or have weak grip pressure.


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